About the procedure
Breast lift (mastopexy) is an operation that achieves a youthful appearance of the breasts, especially after pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss or loss of skin elasticity and the consequent sagging of the breasts during aging. The main goal of this procedure is to raise the breast contour and create a more natural and fuller cleavage. Also, it can be simultaneously combined with breast augmentation, when additional volume is needed to achieve the desired aesthetic result.
After the initial consultation with the plastic surgeon, it is necessary to perform a preoperative treatment in the sense of USG (ultrasound) or MMG (mammography) of the breasts, in order to rule out irregularities of the glandular tissue of the breasts. It is also necessary to do a complete blood count, biochemistry and coagulogram, as well as an EKG. It is recommended to stop smoking at least 3 months before the procedure, so that unwanted complications in terms of necrosis (death) of the skin or wart do not occur.
Procedure before the surgery
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, with minimal postoperative discomfort.
There are several surgical techniques that are used to achieve a satisfactory result and your plastic surgeon will choose the one that is best for your case. Sometimes, in the case of mild breast ptosis, it is possible to make only a periareolar incision, i.e. an incision around the areola and nipple complex, when it is hidden by the color difference and almost invisible. The next approach adds a vertical incision ("lollipop" scar), in case of mild to moderate ptosis, but the most commonly used approach is an anchor-shaped scar, which avoids excess skin in the area of the ends of the incision ("dog ears") and is hidden in the natural sulcus under the breast.
Procedure after the surgery
Postoperatively, the patient stays with us for the first 24 hours, in order to receive all the necessary care and attention. Due to sometimes extensive shaping of the breasts during surgery, and in order to minimize complications such as bleeding and hematoma, near the end of the procedure, silicone or rubber drains are placed, which are removed after 24 hours. Then, our staff will provide you with a specially designed soft support bra, which needs to be worn 23 hours a day for the next 6 weeks, in order to preserve the post- contoured shape of the breasts in the early phase of tissue healing.